Saturday, January 31, 2015
The Suleiman Markhor
The markhor is a species of wild goat that lives in extremely rugged terrain with precipitous cliffs, rocky caves, and bare rock surfaces interspersed with patches of arid, steppe vegetation. Historically, the straight-horned (or Suleiman) markhor inhabited the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan, just inside the Afghanistan border. Today, the markhor is only found in the mountains of Balochistan Province, Pakistan. Here, locals have implemented a wildlife management plan called the Torghar Conservation Project, an innovative, community-based conservation program that allows for limited trophy hunting to conserve local populations of markhor, improve habitat for both markhor and domestic livestock, and improve the economic conditions for local tribes in Torghar.
Friday, January 30, 2015
ENDANGERED ANIMALS: The African leopard
The African leopard is one of 30 subspecies of leopard. It can be found in all of sub-Saharan Africa and west of the Kalahari Desert, and it is also found in the Middle East.
The adult body length ranges from 3.4 feet to 6.6 feet and its body weight ranges from 65 to 155. Females are generally smaller than males. Leopard coat colors also very according to subspecies from light brown to a deep rusty yellow.
There are many reasons for its danger, leopard hunting for its fur was once very popular, today threats to the species include trapping and poisoning by farmers who consider the leopard a nuisance to their livestock, habitat loss, commercial hunting, and decline in prey populations.
Look how cute they are¡
The adult body length ranges from 3.4 feet to 6.6 feet and its body weight ranges from 65 to 155. Females are generally smaller than males. Leopard coat colors also very according to subspecies from light brown to a deep rusty yellow.
There are many reasons for its danger, leopard hunting for its fur was once very popular, today threats to the species include trapping and poisoning by farmers who consider the leopard a nuisance to their livestock, habitat loss, commercial hunting, and decline in prey populations.
Look how cute they are¡
Endangered Animals: Asian elephant
elephants live in Southeast
Asia from India in the west to Borneo in the east.
They are extremely sociable, forming groups of six to seven females
that are led by the oldest female, the matriarch.
More than two thirds of an elephant’s day may be spent feeding on
grasses, but large amounts of tree bark, roots, leaves and small stems are also
eaten. Cultivated crops such as bananas, rice and sugarcane are favorite foods.
They are
in danger because of the illegal hunting and deforestation; fortunately there
are some organizations like WWF that are helping in their protection.

Thursday, January 29, 2015
Endangered animals: Armadillo
The armadillo is an American mammal of the order of the edentulous that can measure 15 cm to 1, 5 m depending of the species, with the body protected by a shell formed by bony
lates covered with horny scales and mobile, so that can be wound on itself.
The armadillo is a living fossil, the oldest ancestor was discovered in Argentina and dates from the upper Paleocene.
It isvin extintion of th constant hunt that is the subject of the smoothness and flavor of the meat and the destruction of their environment
The Polar Bear is in a lot of troubles because of global warming. If the temperature of the Earth goes up, the sea ice that the polar bear lives on will melt.
This type of bear lives in the area surrounding the North Pole, the Arctic.
They feeds on baby seals and reindeers but in winter they are vegetarian.
Male Polar Bear measures 2.5 m and weigh 350-700 kg; female Polar Bear measures 1.8 m and weight 150-250 kg. They have white fur very soft and thick.
This type of bear lives in the area surrounding the North Pole, the Arctic.
They feeds on baby seals and reindeers but in winter they are vegetarian.
Male Polar Bear measures 2.5 m and weigh 350-700 kg; female Polar Bear measures 1.8 m and weight 150-250 kg. They have white fur very soft and thick.
Endangered Animals: Panda Bear.
This bear has only two contrasted colours, the white and the black. Theirs legs, theirs arms, theirs ears and theirs eyes are dark, but their belly and their faces are white.
They love eating bamboo and they principally live in the Tibet and in Sichuan.
They are endangered animals because there are many poachers that hunt this beautifull animals, and the panda bears are also an endangered animal because they have difficulties to breed because they are very shy.
They love eating bamboo and they principally live in the Tibet and in Sichuan.
They are endangered animals because there are many poachers that hunt this beautifull animals, and the panda bears are also an endangered animal because they have difficulties to breed because they are very shy.
Animals in danger: The African penguin is in serious danger of becoming extinct!
The African penguin, also known as the jackass penguin and black-footed penguin is a species of penguin, confined to southern African water.
It is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat. Also, it has distinctive pink patches of skin above the eyes and a black facial mask; the body upperparts are black and sharply delineated from the white underparts, which are spotted and marked with a black band.
There are many reasons for its danger, including hunting them for oil, taking their eggs, destroying their natural environment, the weather, and a lack of food supply. All of these factors though have left many of them vulnerable and others at risk for extinction.
It is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat. Also, it has distinctive pink patches of skin above the eyes and a black facial mask; the body upperparts are black and sharply delineated from the white underparts, which are spotted and marked with a black band.
There are many reasons for its danger, including hunting them for oil, taking their eggs, destroying their natural environment, the weather, and a lack of food supply. All of these factors though have left many of them vulnerable and others at risk for extinction.
Endangered animals: Bearded vulture
Bearded vulture is an endangered species. It is a vulture with peculiar features. This raptor is so called because it pulls its prey from great heights and then feed your bones, unlike others carnivorous animals. Areas inhabited by the bearded vulture are characterized by mountainous (sites where it can throw its victims and then eat them). Bearded vulture lives in Europe, Asia and Africa. This species is disappearing for illegal use of poisoned baits and illegal hunting.
Atlantic bluefin are native to the western, eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Atlantic bluefin have become extinct in the Black Sea.
The fishermen are reducing his fishing, because the boom of the sushi has put this fish in danger. The over-fishing, is making be in danger this species that was very abundant in the decade of the 60.

The Bengal tiger is a tiger species that lives in Nepal, Bangladesh, Butan, Birmania and Tibet . The Bengal tiger is one of the biggest felines in the world, it can reach 3m 80cm long and weigh more than 300 kg. They are orange with black, vertical stripes. The stripe pattern is unique in every tiger.But tigers have been in danger of extintion because humans hunt them for their bones and skin. At the beginning of the 20th centory there were more than 100.000 tigers in the world. Now they are only 3.000 in the wild and 20.000 in cautivity.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
-Endangered species-
The Canis lupus arctos is also called arctic wolf.
Arctic wolves mainly inhabit Northern Canada and Alaska, parts of Greenland and Iceland and Northern Europe.
No other wolf in the world can offer the same coloring as the Arctic Wolf. While some species of wolves do have some white coloring, this one is almost completely white. They do offer some aspects of yellow, gray, and black in places though.
The overall size of them will depend on where they happen to live in their region. Some of them only weight about75 pounds. Others though can weigh up to 125. Some of them are about 3 feet in length when they are fully grown. Others are twice that long though at about 6 feet.
The greatest threat to the Arctic wolf is climate change. Extreme weather variations in recent years have made it difficult for populations of muskox and Arctic hares to find food, and this has caused a decline in numbers. In turn, this has reduced the traditional food supply of the Arctic wolf.
Industrial development also poses a threat to the wolf, as an increasing number of mines, roads and pipelines encroach on the wolf’s territory, and interrupt its food supply.
The Canis lupus arctos is also called arctic wolf.
Arctic wolves mainly inhabit Northern Canada and Alaska, parts of Greenland and Iceland and Northern Europe.
No other wolf in the world can offer the same coloring as the Arctic Wolf. While some species of wolves do have some white coloring, this one is almost completely white. They do offer some aspects of yellow, gray, and black in places though.
The overall size of them will depend on where they happen to live in their region. Some of them only weight about75 pounds. Others though can weigh up to 125. Some of them are about 3 feet in length when they are fully grown. Others are twice that long though at about 6 feet.
The greatest threat to the Arctic wolf is climate change. Extreme weather variations in recent years have made it difficult for populations of muskox and Arctic hares to find food, and this has caused a decline in numbers. In turn, this has reduced the traditional food supply of the Arctic wolf.
Industrial development also poses a threat to the wolf, as an increasing number of mines, roads and pipelines encroach on the wolf’s territory, and interrupt its food supply.
Endangered Species: Iberian Lynx
The Iberian lynx is a critically endangered species of felid living mainly in the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe.
The Iberian lynx portrays many of the typical characteristics of lynxes,
such as tufted ears, long legs, short tail, and a ruff of fur that
resembles a "beard". Unlike its Eurasian relatives, the Iberian lynx is tawny colored and spotted. The coat is also noticeably shorter than in other lynxes, which are typically adapted to colder environments.
This animal was living a wide zone of Spain that was going from Albacete to Portugal and from Avila up to Melilla, but the men exiled it of his fields and destroyed his habitat. They left it without place where to live and without food being able to be tried. And, then, they enclosed the few ones that were staying in zoos.
Monuments in danger
Capilla Sixtina is in Vatican. Over 4 millions people visit it very year. Unfortunately, it does that the residues of the visitors contaminate the paintings and damaged them. Authorities says that is possible to recreate the painting in 3D to avoid the damage.
Endangered Animals
Nowadays there are a lot of a endangered animals all arround the world.
In Spain the most important Iberian Lynx . There are only 200 copies in Sierra Morena and Doñana´s park , more specifically in Andalucia .They are considered and endagered animals because their habitat has disappeared , there isn´t food for then and because the human kills to lynx by plesure or fun .Many people try to save the specie thanks the mass conservation and environment .
Monday, January 26, 2015
Kiwis are one of the typical animal in Australia. They are birds smaller than ducks and they can't fly. That is the main reason why they are in danger, since they live near humans and pets. So, the problem is that pets like cats and dogs kill them. As a result nowadays there are only seventy thousand while in 1930 there were five millions.

Here you have a sad video:(
The Imperial Eagle is a bird of prey that has two meters of wingspan and it is one of the most endangered birds. Originally, there were imperial eagles in all the Iberian Peninsula.
Now, there are only 250 pairs of this type of bird that are in the middle and in the south west of Spain. The menaces are:
- Destruction of their habitats.
- Shortage of rabbits.
- No natural deaths.
Endangered species:Panda Bear
Panda Bear
It is in the cold and humid forests of eastern Tibet and Southwest China bamboo; It is one of the animals that is in critical danger of extinction is one of the most endangered mammals on the planet.
One of the reasons for its extinction is the almost total reduction of their habitat.
The species is very localized. With 1600 living in jungles and 200 in captivity. latest free bears live in six towns in China, they are isolated and have been declared nature reserves but half live outside protected areas.
It is an omnivorous animal, come from stems and herbs to birds, fish and rodents. His favorite food is bamboo, but poses a serious danger by massive logging in bamboo.
It is in the cold and humid forests of eastern Tibet and Southwest China bamboo; It is one of the animals that is in critical danger of extinction is one of the most endangered mammals on the planet.
One of the reasons for its extinction is the almost total reduction of their habitat.
The species is very localized. With 1600 living in jungles and 200 in captivity. latest free bears live in six towns in China, they are isolated and have been declared nature reserves but half live outside protected areas.
It is an omnivorous animal, come from stems and herbs to birds, fish and rodents. His favorite food is bamboo, but poses a serious danger by massive logging in bamboo.
Monument in danger
The Partenon is in danger. People visit it every year, unfortunally, it is the worst monument preserving because the people don't take care it of.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Monuments in danger. Tower of Pisa
Monuments indanger
Tower of Pisa
Tower of Pisa is in Italy. About 1.5 millions of tourist visit it every year. Unfortunately at the begining his construction, the tower started to lean and it is doing nowadays. The Italian governement has tried to stop it
many times, even forbidden to visit it between 1990-2001.
Tower of Pisa
Tower of Pisa is in Italy. About 1.5 millions of tourist visit it every year. Unfortunately at the begining his construction, the tower started to lean and it is doing nowadays. The Italian governement has tried to stop it
many times, even forbidden to visit it between 1990-2001.
The white whale or beluga
The habitat of the white
whale or beluga is the oceans in slightly deep waters near to the coasts . The males weigh between 1100 and 1600 kg and the females have between 700 and 1200 kg. They are of white color or grey.
They are endangered since they are hunted very much, that the polar bears and the killer whales hunt very much and for the pollution of the sea.
Endangered species.
Brown Bear .
It lives in the Pyrenees.There are 130 Brown Bears in Spain.
Gradually they grow.The destruction of the mixed forest beause various human activities and more recently the use of poison are the main threats.
It lives in the Pyrenees.There are 130 Brown Bears in Spain.
Gradually they grow.The destruction of the mixed forest beause various human activities and more recently the use of poison are the main threats.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
"Leatherback turtles"
Leatherback turtles are named for their shell, which
is leather-like rather than hard, like other turtles.; They are the largest
turtles on Earth, growing up to seven feet (two meters) long and their weight is
900 kilograms.
We can find in
all tropical and subtropical seas.
Their shell is smooth and of dark color. The front
fins are longer compared to other species of marine turtles and the beak has form of hook.
Although their distribution is wide, numbers of
leatherback turtles have seriously declined during the last century, as a
result of intense egg collection and fisheries bycatch.
Endangered Species
"Vaquita marina" : It
lives in the Gulf of Mexico. There are only 200 of
this species. His habitat is very limited, and
the fishing with nets is promoting his disappearance. This species, does not exist in any
other place of the planet.
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